Monday, October 4, 2010

The Winner the Dream Weaver Blog Hop for this page is...


Sheryl, contact Lynell at DreamWeaver for your prize. I have posted Lynell's comments below:

Hi everyone! A special thanks to those of you who visited our blog hop and especially to the Dream Team designers who spent many hours making these lovely creations. Each one was sooo unique!!! Today I am off to Buena Park to try to convince the retailers in So Cal that they can't live without our stencils in their stores, so I will be back in the evening to discover who has won and work out the details of getting the product to you. My email is on my web-site, to those of you who have won please feel free to email any questions you may have about your winnings, where you would like your goodies shipped etc. Each design team member will post the winner on their site by midnight on October 4 (some have already posted, but others may be traveling etc.) and I will have some winners to post as well when I arrive back in the office. Then you will have another 24 hours to contact me with your mailing information, so we can get your Blog candy mailed to you.


Thank you for all the great comments. Like Lynell, I am off to southern California, only to play with polymer clay at the San Diego Polymer Clay Guild's annual retreat. Photos in a week or so


1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much, Lee! I am looking forward to seeing more inspiration from the Dreamweaver team for stencilling and using the Pearlescent paste.
