Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Digging Out

I have had several people comment that it shouldn't take 6 hours to dig out a driveway. So here are the photos I took while we worked. Our driveway is over 167 feet long on a slight slope and with a curve! It is gravel, so that helps a bit. I know that in many parts of the country, this is nothing. For us, in the southwest, it's a lot at once! Usually we get a couple of inches here and there during the winter.
This is just up from the house.

Harvey about three quarters of the way the drive.

Our car so we know how much to dig out!

Nearing the end!

Mid way with the car for perspective. The house is in the back ground to the left of the car. 


  1. Oh my goodness, Lee! That was a lot of work...I don't think I could have done it. Do you often have a white Christmas? Well, if not, this is certainly one to remember.

  2. We usually have some sort of white Christmas. Santa Fe is beautiful when it snows and all the holiday lights are up. What is unusual is the amount of snow we got.

    However, you all have been receiving more than usual of rain fall! I hope you have been flooded out!.
